GIZ Capacity Development and Handholding on Accessing Grants

According to a survey, Local Economic Development Fora (LEDF) and other SEDIN partners have since identified impactful community-based project which has direct and indirect benefits to the local farmers, the communities, market women and other cooperative groups. Some of the projects identified by the groups includes:

  • Tree planting to curtail desertification.
  • Yam storage facilities to make available and ensure stable prices during dry seasons.
  • Soya beans processing centers.
  • Cosmetics Academy.
  • House of Stiches: A tailoring cloasters
  • Wastepreneuership: Creating Wealth from dump site, etc... These projects when implemented will improve the economic fortune of these identified vulnerable groups and the GDP of entire Niger state.

However, the LEDF and others not only lack funds to execute these project, but also lacks the capacity to access funds through grants. Against this back drop, GIZ is funding the training, capacity development and handholding sessions for selected SEDIN partners across nine (9) local government of Agaie, Bida, Bosso, Burgu, Chanchaga, Kontagora, Lapai, Suleja and Wushishi; all in Niger State.

Consequently, GIZ engaged a consultant, in person of Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Sadiq, who is the Team Lead PowerTech of the Advanced Engineering Innovation Research Group (AEIRG); to train members of the identified LEDF and other SEDIN partners and handhold them to apply for funding through grant.

In the series of these capacity development and handholding sessions, the consultant and his team were in Bosso and Chanchaga LGAs between 14th to 18th June 2022. The Consultant and his team are in Agaie between 21st and 22nd June 2022, while Bida is scheduled for 23rd and 24th June 2022.